Monthly Archives: November 2020

Biden’s administration picks show that he has no intention of moving US foreign policy in a more progressive direction

As US president Donald Trump’s hopes of overturning the election result in his favor fade to dust, president-elect Joe Biden has begun making appointments to his incoming administration. And it’s already obvious that those hoping for a new era on foreign policy are likely to be disappointed. Biden’s picks for top cabinet roles show that he has no intention of taking the US off the course of endless war and interference in other countries’ affairs.

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A Biden victory will get rid of Trump but not the status quo that led to his rise

The US presidential election is nearing. On 3 November, US voters will head to the polls in what has been dubbed “the most important election in US history”. As The Canary has extensively documented, incumbent president Donald Trump is incompetent, reactionary and, worst of all, has shown signs of overt authoritarianism. And so a victory for Democratic Party challenger Joe Biden is being presented in much of the corporate-owned media and amongst the liberal establishment as some kind of deliverance from evil.

But the reality is that it was Washington insiders like Biden, who pose as ‘liberals’ but are actually center-right, that led to the rise of Trump in the first place. We need to push back against the dangerous idea that removing Trump will return the US to some kind of golden era. Because Trump is, in reality, only a marginally worse incarnation of a neoliberal and imperialist status quo that has existed for decades and has been administered by presidents from both of the US’s major parties.

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